Eric is currently a Director at Workday Ventures, the corporate venture arm of Workday, looking for disruptive enterprise software investments. Previously, he spent 5 years as an investor at Presidio Ventures (US Venture arm of the Japanese conglomerate Sumitomo Corporation) focused on enterprise software and infrastructure investments.  Earlier in his career, he worked both in business development at Xerox PARC working to commercialize PARC research and technology, and as a software engineer at Boeing developing avionics software for the B-1B bomber and at Qualcomm debugging 3G data layer protocols.  He holds a BS and MS in computer science from UCLA and an MBA from Yale.

Eric Sytwu 目前任職於 Workday 旗下戰略投資部門的 Workday Ventures,擔任總監一職,投資標的主要是具有破壞性創新思考能力的軟體公司。在加入 Workday Ventures 以前,他曾在 Presidio Ventures(日本住友商事株式會社於美國的風險投資基金)擔任投資人一角,投資標的為軟體及基礎架構相關的題目。更早之前,他在帕羅奧多研究中心(PARC)負責商業化技術和研究成果,同時也在波音(Boeing)擔任軟體工程師,研發 B-1B 轟炸機的航空電子工程技術,以及高通負責 3G 通訊協定的除錯。

Eric 畢業於美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(University of California, Los Angeles),擁有計算機科學學士及碩士學位。除此之外,他也擁有美國耶魯大學(Yale University)的 MBA 學位。