Brad Ho is currently one of the investment managers at Kymco Capital which most of its LPs are top vehicle and motorcycle’s key components suppliers. Kymco Capital concentrates on car/motorcycle, IoT, consumer goods, and other industries. With its rich resources in Mainland, Kymco Capital is dedicated to leveraging Mainland and Taiwan’s entrepreneurs and startups to create a “Win-Win” situation for both sides.

Brad Ho worked as an investment specialist at Hong-Tai Electric, a public company in Taiwan, and focused on biotech, semiconductor, and solar energy industries. Afterward, he joined Foxconn’s mobile investment team and was responsible for cellphone components, AI, and mobile-related industries. While with Foxconn, he has managed and exited some successful investments such as Meitu and Razer.   


個人過去曾任職於台灣上市公司 - 宏泰電工投資部門負責生物科技、半導體、太陽能案領域。後轉往 Foxconn 手機投資部門,負責人工智能、手機零組件、手機應用等相關領域的投資分析與後續管理,過去參與許多新創公司評估和投資,其中成功退出的案件包含美圖秀秀、雷蛇(Razer)等。