David Chiou (邱大剛) is the Founder and CEO of Groundhog Technologies (現觀科技). The company is the leading provider of Mobility Intelligence and is the first in the industry with a product that can do indoor geolocation for cellular networks based on mathematical models of subscribers' mobility and usage behavior. David holds a Master's Degree from the MIT Media Laboratory, where he was elected as Merrill Lynch Fellow. While at MIT, David's research in spatial-temporal mathematical modeling led to his founding of the company. He is the inventor of 14 patents and has another 11 patents pending. Before entering MIT, he worked in AT&T Labs-Research as a Research Assistant. He was on the Advisory Board of Skysoft, which develops and offers KKBOX, Asia's top music streaming service provider hosting the largest Asian music library in the world, until KKBOX’s acquisition by KDDI in 2010. David received his Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University, where he was honored as an Outstanding College Youth of Taiwan and won several national awards.

Groundhog Technologies(現觀科技)創辦人暨執行長。MIT Media Lab(麻省理工學院多媒體實驗室)碩士,曾獲選Merrill Lynch Fellow。台大電機系98級,期間曾獲選大專優秀青年及多項工程獎項,也曾於 at&t Labs-Research 擔任研究助理。他是十四項專利的發明人,另有十一項專利申請中。

現觀科技是全球第一個基於使用者行為模式的計算而優化無線通訊網路的公司,以此獨特技術協助美國at&t、Sprint,日本三大業者、中國移動、中華電信等電信業者解決許多棘手的問題,至今仍居此利基市場的第一名。現觀科技也在2009年被美國 Red Herring 雜誌選為全球前兩百強的新創科技公司。

邱大剛曾代表台灣參與諸如Asia 21 Young Leaders Summit、Europe-Asia Young Leaders' Forum、2003 Asia Pacific Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference, WYPS of United Nations等國際活動,他也是工研院創意中心的顧問。