Rose Tsou is Head of Yahoo's Asia-Pacific business, where she is responsible for managing Yahoo’s businesses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia and India as well as chairing the board at the Yahoo’s joint venture operations in Australia and New Zealand, and acting liaison with the company’s strategic partnerships in Japan.

Rose Tsou joined Yahoo Taiwan as general manager in 2000 and was promoted to senior vice president and managing director of the company's APAC region in April 2007. During her tenure as managing director of Yahoo Taiwan, Tsou successfully grew the business and established Yahoo as a brand synonymous with the internet in Taiwan. Under her leadership, Yahoo Auction became the most successful auctioneer in the market.  She led strategic acquisitions, partnerships and company initiatives to grow Yahoo Taiwan's capabilities in e-Commerce, B2C Shopping, C2C Auction, and online store solutions, the Store Market Place.

Tsou possesses solid experience in management, marketing and mass communication. Prior to Yahoo, Tsou was the General Manager of MTV Taiwan for over two years, leading efforts to make MTV the most popular music channel. Earlier in her career, Tsou held marketing positions at UFO/ Warner Music, Procter & Gamble Taiwan and Ogilvy & Mather Taiwan.  

Rose holds an MBA from J.L. Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, as well as a Masters of Mass Communication from Boston University.

鄒開蓮於2000年加入 Yahoo奇摩台灣擔任總經理一職,2007年4月因表現傑出而升任為亞太區資深副總裁暨董事總經理,除負責管理 Yahoo 在香港、台灣、東南亞與印度,同時亦擔任 Yahoo 在澳洲、紐西蘭地區合資公司董事會成員,以及扮演策略性合作夥伴 Yahoo 日本與 Yahoo 總公司之間的主要溝通橋樑。

在鄒開蓮任職 Yahoo 奇摩總經理期間,於2001年成功領導 Yahoo 併購奇摩,順利完成兩家公司之企業整合,成為台灣最大入口網站與網路拍賣平台,益加鞏固 Yahoo 奇摩在台領導地位。2008年8月,再次領導 Yahoo 奇摩併購興奇科技(原負責 Yahoo 奇摩購物中心平台營運的合作夥伴),開創電子商務新里程碑。

鄒開蓮擁有長達超過20 年的行銷管理、大眾傳播的經驗。在加入 Yahoo 之前,她曾任職於奧美廣告、寶僑家品、華納唱片、MTV 音樂電視頻道;其中 MTV 頻道在她擔任總經理的兩年期間,成功蛻變為台灣最受歡迎的電視音樂頻道。

鄒開蓮擁有美國西北大學 J. L. Kellogg 商學院 MBA 以及波士頓大學大眾傳播碩士學位。