Dan Wong is a veteran of the consumer electronics, mobile phone, and internet industries  – with over 20 years experience in Greater China and Silicon Valley, and he is now an adviser at Tech Ventures.

Most recently as CEO of artificial intelligence startup Rokid, Mr. Wong brought to market a cutting-edge home AI product that captured numerous industry accolades, including CES Innovation Award 2016.  As Vice President of Media Solution Center at Samsung, Mr. Wong was responsible for the software and services on Samsung mobile phones, tablets, smart TVs and wearables in China. Prior to that, he ran one of China’s largest mobile ad networks as Chief Operating Officer of Madhouse. At Nokia, Mr. Wong launched and built NSeries into a $1.9B USD business across Greater China (covering China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan). While at Nokia, he was also responsible for the company’s Ovi internet services – launching multiple consumer services (app store, games, music, and maps) and establishing the joint-venture company that served as the basis for these services. Under Mr. Wong’s leadership, Nokia became the first foreign entity to obtain an Online Maps license in China’s tightly regulated market. In Silicon Valley, Mr. Wong has held various management positions with industry pioneering companies such as Openwave (WAP and mobile internet) and Excite@Home (broadband internet services and portal).  

Mr. Wong is a frequent industry event speaker and has extensive experience working with media and government. Mr. Wong holds an MBA from Harvard Business School as well as BS Electrical Engineering and MS Materials Science from Stanford University.

Dan Wong 在消費性電子產品、手機、網際網絡等多項領域有超過20年的資深經歷,足跡遍佈於大中華區及美國矽谷,目前擔任Tech Ventures的顧問。

之前擔任人工智慧新創 Rokid 執行長期間,Dan推出的劃時代居家 AI 產品獲得 2016 CES 創新獎等多項業界大獎。在此之前,Dan 曾任三星 Media Solution Center 副總,負責三星在中國的手機、平板、智慧電視和穿戴式裝置的軟體服務。他也曾任中國最大的手機廣告網絡 Madhouse 的營運長。Dan 也在 Nokia 服務過,將 NSeries 打造成價值 1.9 億美金事業體,版圖橫跨中港臺,同時也負責 Nokia 的 Ovi 網路服務,推出包括 app store、遊戲、音樂、地圖等,並另成立合資公司支援其開發之服務。在 Dan 的領導下,Nokia 成為第一家在管制嚴格的中國擁有線上地圖執照的外資公司。在美國矽谷, Dan 曾擔任業界先驅 Openwave(無線網路應用協議和移動網際網絡) 和 Excite@Home(寬頻網路服務)的管理要職。

Dan 是個業內活躍的講師,擁有與媒體和政府合作的豐富經驗。Dan 擁有哈佛商學院碩 士、史丹佛大學電機學士和材料科學碩士學位。